Open Tuesday – Sunday 9:30 am – 5:15 pm
How do you recreate the Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan in Minecraft? Block by block, of course!
By Andrew Fox
Many of the works in our collections from Africa and the Americas are imbued with transformative properties.
Native Artists of Western North America spans over one thousand years of artistic expression.
By Hillary Olcott
The effects the “beautiful city” on Kahlo and her art.
By Gannit Ankori
The clothes in Kahlo's wardrobe teach the modern eye something new about the artist herself.
By Circe Henestrosa
Frida Kahlo is one of the most significant artists of the 20th century.
Maria Martinez and Julian Martinez refined a painting and burnishing technique.
By Hillary C. Olcott
This film explores the painting Dance in a Subterranean Roundhouse at Clear Lake, California by French-born artist Jules Tavernier.
Learn how Pomo women created and used baskets to gather and prepare native plant foods for themselves and their families.
By Sherrie Smith-Ferri
Representation versus reality in depictions of the Red Cloud Agency.
By Arthur Amiotte
Take an ASL tour of a Teotihuacán mural fragment.