Galerie Georges Petit, Vente atelier Edgar Degas I, Auction catalogue, Paris: Galerie Georges Petit, May 6-8, 1918, pg. 8, lot 9, repr.
Jamot, Paul, Degas, Paris: Éd. de la Gazette des Beaux-arts, 1924, pg. 137.
Lemoisne, Paul-André, Degas et son oeuvre, Paris: Arts et métiers graphiques, 1946, no. 187, repr.
Howe Jr., Thomas C., “Recent Acquisitions,” Bulletin of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor 10, no. 12 (April 1953), fig. 9, unpaginated.
Boggs, Jean, “Degas: the eye is discipline,” Art News 59, no. 2 (April 1960), pg. 36, fig. 2.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor Bulletin 2, no. 1 (July/August, 1968), pg. 86.
Russoli, Franco, and Fiorella Minervino, L’opera completa di Degas, Milan: Rizzoli, 1970, no. 287, repr.
Lassaigne, Jaques, and Fiorella Minervino, Tout l’oeuvre peint de Degas, Paris: Flammarion, 1974, no. 287, repr.
Distel, Anne, ed., Centenaire de l’Impressionnisme, exh. cat., Paris: Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1974, pg. 82, under no. 12, entry by Anne Dayez.
Boggs, Jean Sutherland, ed., Degas, exh. cat., Paris: Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1988, pg. 161, fig. 88, under no. 97, entry by Henri Loyrette.
Boggs, Jean Sutherland, ed., Degas, exh. cat., New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1988, pg. 162, fig. 88, under entry for no. 97 written by Henri Loyrette.
Nash, Steven A., Lynn Federle Orr, and Marion Stewart, eds., European Masterpieces from The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, exh. cat., Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, 1992, pg. 248, no. 59, repr., entry by Steven A. Nash.
Nash, Steven A., Lynn Federle Orr, and Marion Stewart, eds., Rembrandt to Renoir: European Masterpieces from The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, exh. cat., Canberra: Australian National Gallery, 1992, pg. 152, no. 59, repr., entry by Steven A. Nash.
Feigenbaum, Gail, ed., Degas and New Orleans, exh. cat., New Orleans: New Orleans Museum of Art, 1999, pgs. 158, repr., 159, no. 14, entry by Jean Sutherland Boggs.
Boggs, Jean Sutherland, and Marilyn R. Brown, Degas et La Nouvelle-Orléans, exh. cat., trans. Dennis Collins, Copenhagen: Ordrupgaard, 1999, repr. pg. 83, no. 15.
Kendall, Richard, “New Orleans and Copenhagen: Degas,” The Burlington Magazine, vol. 141, no. 1157 (August 1999), pg. 511.
Nash, Steve, Lynn F. Orr, Marion C. Stewart, Masterworks of European Painting in the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 1999, pg. 128, repr., entry by Steven A. Nash.
DeVonyar, Jill, and Richard Kendall, Degas & Music, exh. cat., Glen Falls, NY: The Hyde Collection, 2009, pg. 65, fig. 20, cat. no. 10.
Alsdorf, Bridget, “La fraternité des individus: les portraits de groupe de Degas,” La revue du Musee d’Orsay, no. 30 (Autumn 2010), pg. 21, fig. 4.
Alsdorf, Bridget, Fellow Men: Fantin-Latour and the Problem of the Group in Nineteenth-Century French Painting, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013, pgs. 65, 66, repr.
Keyes, Mindy, “Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec and Desire Dihau: Portraits of a Bassoonist and his Bassoon,” The Double Reed 38, no. 2 (2015), pgs. 89, 95, repr. [originally published in The Double Reed 13, no. 2 (1990)].
Loyette, Henri, “The Music Circle” in Degas at the Opera, exh. cat., ed. Henri Loyrette, New York: Thames & Hudson, 2020, no. 91, repr., unpaginated.