Rehearsed Reading of Ion by Euripides

Fragment of a Greek South Italian (Taranto) mixing vessel (400-390 BC) depicting a cult statue of Apollo in his temple at Delphi. From the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam

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Presented and directed by Carey Perloff, director, playwright, producer, book author, and educator.

Ion is a remarkable late play by the 5th-century-BC Greek tragedian, Euripides, about a woman who, having been sexually assaulted by the god Apollo, has given up the child of that union at birth, now presuming him dead. But the child is, in fact, Ion, a young man who guards the Oracle at Delphi. In this tragicomic late romance, mothers and children are pitted against gods and goddesses, and native-born Athenians against immigrants. This complex tale ultimately begs the question: What power do human beings have to shape their own destinies?

Ticket info

In person: Seating is limited and unassigned. Doors to the Gunn Theater will open at 1:30 pm.

Livestream: register to watch.

This program is supported by a generous grant from the Elios Charitable Foundation.

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