Docent Tour: American Beauty

Antique store

William Merritt Chase (1849–1916), Spanish Bric-à-Brac Shop (detail), 1883. Oil on canvas, 29 1/2 x 48 3/8 in (74.9 x 122.9 cm). Promised gift of Bernard and Barbro Osher. Photograph by Randy Dodson. Courtesy of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

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Join a tour of American Beauty: The Osher Collection of American Art led by a museum docent.

This exhibition celebrates one of the most transformative gifts of art in the history of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Anchored by the works of Impressionist and Realist masters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the collection describes the dynamic and complicated ways in which American art was shaped both by its international influences and by its regional character.

Tour info

  • Tuesday through Sunday, 12:30 pm
  • Tours are about an hour.
  • Tours convene at the electronic sign in the main lobby.
  • Tours do not take place during Bouquets to Art, June 4 to June 9.

Ticket info

No advance reservations.

Contact info

Docent Council

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