Bouquets to Art Talk: Futuristic Floral Couture with Noah Harders

Noah Harders

Noah Harders

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Join Native Hawaiian artist Noah Harders as he discusses his surrealist approach to flowers, fashion, and culture, and his lifelong exploration of both traditional craftsmanship and a modern avant-garde approach. Inspired by Hawaiian culture, Harders collects foraged botanical materials and transforms them into extravagant pieces of wearable art. Experience the artist’s mystic world of flowers and fashion in this presentation where he will talk about his culture, inspiration, and techniques. Follow along as the artist explains his process of dissecting and manipulating botanical materials through various stages of making, from foraging to self-portrait. 

About Noah Harders

Maui floral artist Noah Harders uses natural found objects such as flowers, leaves, shells, and bones to make wearable art that is part mythology, part avant-garde fashion. Living in Waikapu, alongside his family that has inhabited the area for generations, Noah creates surrealist works of art using ephemeral materials collected on his home turf. His artistry is bound to his technical skill, background in floristry, and appreciation of traditional Hawaiian art and craft. Noah’s artistic expression expands with his self-portraits that capture the energy and power gained through process and inspiration.

Ticket info

$65 for program ticket. Includes access to Bouquets to Art, Fashioning San Francisco, and Irving Penn.

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