Ancient Art Council Lecture: The Experience of Ancient Greek Coinage

Beautiful, Valuable, Meaningful, and Intimate

Aphrodite carved in stone

Aphrodite crowned by Victory. Reverse of a stater from Nagidos in Cilicia, 370 BC

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Lecturer: Isabelle Pafford, department of art history and visual art, San Jose State University

When the ancient Greeks invented coinage, they unleashed a number of unintended economic and social consequences. Specifically, coinage resulted in the mass production and dissemination of images on a scale that would have made Andy Warhol envious. Let’s explore what these images inadvertently reveal about the aesthetic and erotic landscape of the people who first held coins in their hands. What was considered beautiful? What was considered meaningful to the citizenry at large? Coins are bound to tell us.

Ticket info

This lecture is free, open to the public, and available in person and via livestream.

  • In person: Gunn Theater, Legion of Honor. Seating is limited and unassigned. Doors open at 1:30 pm.
  • Livestream: Register here to receive a webinar link.

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