land acknowledgment

Photograph by Randy Dodson, © Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Land acknowledgment

The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco respectfully acknowledge the Ramaytush Ohlone, the original inhabitants of what is now the San Francisco Peninsula, and we further acknowledge that the greater Bay Area is the ancestral territory of the Miwok, Yokuts, and Patwin, as well as other Ohlone peoples.

Indigenous communities have lived in and moved through this land over hundreds of generations and Indigenous peoples from many nations make their home in this region today. Please join us in recognizing and honoring their ancestors, descendants, elders, and all other members of their communities.

What is a land acknowledgment?

A land acknowledgment is a statement that formally recognizes and pays respect to the Indigenous peoples of a place. “Indigenous” is a general term that refers to the first inhabitants of a region. A land acknowledgment is a public recognition that is intended to raise awareness about the enduring relationship between Indigenous peoples and their territories.

Why do we recognize the land?

It is important to understand the history of the San Francisco Peninsula and the dynamics of settler colonialism in the region to create a broader awareness of this history. Acknowledgment fosters individual and group action to eliminate racism and uplift Indigenous voices and histories in the Fine Arts Museums’ programs and collections.

What is the appropriate pronunciation of the Indigenous names?

Ramaytush pronounced RAH-my-toosh
Ohlone pronounced oh-LOH-nee
Miwok pronounced MEE-wok
Yokuts pronounced YO-cuts
Patwin pronounced PAT-win