Odilon Redon, Antoine: Quel est le be but de tout cela...? Le Diable: Il n'y a pas de but!, plate XVIII in the book La Tentation de Sainte Antoine, 1896. Lithograph on arches wove paper, Image: 311 x 250 mm (12 1/4 x 9 13/16 in); Sheet: 445 x 335 mm (17 1/2 x 13 3/16 in). Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Gift of the Reva and David Logan Foundation, 2000.200.5.17
Vollard, Editeur: Illustrated Books Published by the Legendary French Art Dealer
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Vollard, Editeur is the second in a series of exhibitions that focus on legendary publishers who were primarily art dealers. Ambroise Vollard (1865 – 1939) opened his first art gallery in Paris in 1893 and by 1895 was publishing individual prints and portfolios by the artists he represented. His publications include Parallèlement, featuring poetry by Paul Verlaine and delicate lithograph illustrations by Pierre Bonnard and Gustave Flaubert’s La tentation de Saint Antoine, with illustrations by Odlion Redon.