Centennial Weekend Celebration: Veterans Day
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Join us for special Veterans Day programs as part of our Centennial Weekend Celebration.
This Veterans Day marks the 100th anniversary of the Legion of Honor’s founding by Adolph B. and Alma de Bretteville Spreckels. The museum was a gift from the Spreckels family to the city of San Francisco in commemoration of the California soldiers killed in World War I.
This patriotic themed day includes live organ concerts on the museum’s rare Spreckels Organ, docent tours, and a special lecture, The Thinker’s Place, in conjunction with the newly opened exhibition Celebrating 100 Years at the Legion of Honor.
The Centennial Weekend Celebration is part of the year-long free public programs and special events coinciding with the Legion of Honor 100, commemorating the history of the museum and looking forward to its next century.
Ticket info
All programs are free and open to the public. Entry to the permanent collection galleries and the special exhibition Mary Cassatt At Work is free. Exhibition tickets are limited, first come, first served.
Legion of Honor 100 Celebration Sponsor
Complimentary admission to Mary Cassatt at Work is generously underwritten by Bank of America.
Veterans Day programming is generously supported by the Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation.
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Public Programs