The Society of The Four Arts, Palm Beach, Florida,The Golden Age of Ballet Design, exh. cat. by Earl Anderson, 1976, no. 66
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor,Russian Theater and Costume Designs from The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 1980 (circulated 1980-1982), by John E. Bowlt, Nikita D. Lobanov, Nina Lobanov, and AiméeTroyen, no. , p. , repr. p. ;
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, M. H. de Young Memorial Museum:The Art of Enchantment, Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, 1909-1929, 1988-1989 (ciculated 1989), cat. by Nancy Van Norman Baer, et al.,
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, Theatre in Revolution, Russian Avant-Garde Stage Design 1913-1935, 1991-1992 (circulated IBM Gallery of Science and Art, New York, 1992, Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center, Los Angeles, CA. 1992), cat. by Nancy Van Norman Baer et al.